(*) indicate that full text is available on this web-site
(2018)* Pezzotta F. – Mineralogische Präparation (1): Historische Entwicklung und das Trimmen von Stufen. Lapis. 1/2018, 43, 22-43.
(2017)* Pezzotta F. – La preparazione mineralogical, informazioni di base e il “trimming”. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana. 3/2017, 174-182.
(2016) Bouillard J.C. – Les minéraux – Sciences et collections. CNRS Editions, Paris. 607 pp.
(2016) Pezzotta F. – Natural History Museum of Milan, Italy. Hidden treasures re-prepared. The Munich Show, Mineralientage Muenchen, Theme Book: Hidden Treasures of the Museums. 48-51.
(2016)* Pezzotta F. & Trinchillo D. – Mineral specimens preparation, a definition and history. 4th CGMS, May 19, 2016, Summit Forum, Changsha, China.
(2011) Behnke R., Chinellato M., Collins V. & J., Gobin B. & C., Leicht W. & D., Neely S., Pawels M., Proctor K. & M., Rudolph S., Snyder R. & S., Thomas L., Wilensky S. & D., Wolfsried S., and Paradise Woods – Nature’s Garden of Crystals. Vandall T. King ed., Newryqs Press, Rochester, NY. 424 pp.
(2011) Pezzotta F. – An Outline of Mineral Collecting in Italy. The Mineralogical Record, Private Mineral Collections in Italy, Supplement to Vol. 42/1: 4-9.
(2009) Wilensky S. and Wilensky D. – Wilensky fine minerals. Supplement to The Mineralogical Record. V. 3, 70 pp.
(2008) Pratesi G. and Pezzotta F. – Cristalli, l’ordine dal caos. Giunti S.p.a. Ed., Firenze. 240 pp.
(2008) Trinchillo D. – The Marc P. Weill Collection of Fine Minerals. The Mineralogical Record. 94 pp.
(2007) Thompson W.A. – Ikons, Classic and Contemporary Masterpieces. The Mineralogical Record. 192 pp.
(2004) Wilson W.E., Bartsch J.A., and Mautner M. – Masterpieces of the mineral world: Treasures of the Huston Museum of Natural Sciences. Publ. The Huston Museum of Natural Sciences, The Mineralogical Record, and Harry N. Abrhams, Inc. 264 pp.